representatives of the municipal people's congress and cppcc members of shengang group inspection and survey forum was held in hualan-ag九游会登录j9入口


representatives of the municipal people's congress and cppcc members of shengang group inspection and survey forum was held in hualan

release date:2019-09-25

on september 23, shengang street organized to carry out “representatives of the municipal people's congress performance activity week” special inspection and survey activity. representatives of the municipal people's congress, cppcc members and street elected representatives, etc. over 30 people visited part enterprises in the jurisdiction and communicated with entrepreneur representatives in the forum in hualan npm to jointly offer advice and suggestions for boosting high quality economic development of the whole city. municipal committee chairman and representative of the municipal people's congress xu dongqing attended this inspection forum activity.

municipal committee chairman and representative of the municipal people's congress xu dongqing attended this inspection forum and made a speech. he gave full affirmation to the achievements gained by shengang in economic development, project forwarding, environmental protection, social undertaking and cadres and masses unity, etc. aspects. xu dongqing emphasized that npc members, cppcc members and entrepreneurs should make contributions to their position and strive to be the pacemaker of high quality development with their own exemplary actions. shengang, as the core zone, has exceptional and irreplaceable important position in shengang economic society development. all npc members, cppcc members and entrepreneurs should give full play to their own advantages in shengang socio-economic development and strive to be the pacemaker of high quality development. xu dongqing required that all npc members and cppcc members should promote high quality socio-economic development of shengang with high quality performance, care about big socio-economic development events, propagandize strategic decisions of municipal party committee and government, investigate deeply, reflect public opinion, speak for voters and come up with new and better ways for high-quality economic and social development of the whole city, harbour economic development district and shengang.

in the forum, the company general manager hua yimin extended a warm welcome to the arrival of representatives of the municipal people's congress, cppcc members and their party on behalf of the company. as an enterprise, he expressed his heartfelt thanks for the government and leaders’ great support and care. he thanked for the close attention given by the government to hualan. when hualan is in difficult, government leaders made special trip to the company for investigation and visit to learn about the situation and solve difficulties.

he believed that under the great support and care of leaders at all levels of the government, the company will be more practical and hardworking to develop innovative products better meeting market orientation, doing their little bit to help shengang manufacture, jiangyin manufacture and china manufacture and returning for the trust and care of the government and the society.
