hualan npm signed 5g smart logistics strategic cooperation agreement with china telecom wuxi branch-ag九游会登录j9入口


hualan npm signed 5g smart logistics strategic cooperation agreement with china telecom wuxi branch

release date:2021-03-15

on january 21, 2021, hualan and china telecom wuxi branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement. the two parties declared that they would carry out strategic cooperation based on 5g technology application, give full play to their respective advantages in the field, integrate advantageous resources, focus on intelligent manufacturing & intelligent logistics fields and establish a long-term, stable & win-win strategic cooperation relationship.

china telecom is one of the main telecom operators in china. on june 6, 2019, ministry of industry and information technology of p.rc officially issued 5g operation licenses to four operators including china telecom. zhang jian, general manager of jiangyin telecom of wuxi , introduced at the meeting that 5g network has the characteristics of high bandwidth, wide connection and low delay. for 5g business application, telecom has done a lot of exploration work in the early stage, among which the industrial internet is the most important in 5g application field. it mainly covers: production management (digital factory, industrial machine vision, ar remote assistance, rotary equipment detection & cloud mes); warehouse management (intelligent warehouse wms, agv, automatic logistics, & logistics positioning); energy efficiency management (intelligent energy efficiency management); personnel management (personnel precise positioning); safety management (industrial safety and fire detection). china telecom is confident that the cooperation with hualan will become another classic cooperation case. in this context, the strategic cooperation between hualan and china telecom will undoubtedly bring huge imagination and development space to the business expansion and service upgrading of both parties.

at the signing ceremony, hua yimin, general manager of hualan, said: as a leading enterprise of domestic pharmaceutical packaging materials (sealed elastomers), hualan has always practiced the innovative development concept and adhered to the implementation of "intelligent manufacturing" industrial internet application strategy. both parties will be highly consistent in strategy, and there are many complementarities in the fields of intelligent logistics and intelligent manufacturing, so there is large space for cooperation. it is hoped that the two parties will take this signing as an opportunity to give full play to their respective advantages and achieve mutual development in cooperation. in the future, hualan will join hands with china telecom wuxi branch to realize intelligence and networking in the industrial ecology of intelligent logistics equipment, logistics system integration and automated guided vehicle(agv), strive to build a national brand and achieve high-quality development.

li luona, director &  yu guanjun, deputy director of new energy industrial park, shengang district, jiangyin city, huang yongwen, director of wuxi jiangyin telecom new business branch, and other important guests attended the signing ceremony.

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