hualan npm organized a party day activity with the theme of -ag九游会登录j9入口


hualan npm organized a party day activity with the theme of

release date:2021-08-27

the date of july 1, 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china. in order to continuously and deeply carry out the study and education on the party history, on june 25, the party branch of hualan npm together with shenpu village of shengang sub-district jointly organized a themed party day activity with the theme of "new journey to shenpu on the road of original aspiration for the century "; on june 29, the party branch of hualan npm organized a party day activity with the theme of "remaining true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind" once againto celebrate the centennial birthday of the communist party of china in the form of red song chorus, pursuit of red footprints, group photo with the party flag and red birthday party, etc.

red song chorus

"the history of the communist party of china is a rich and vivid textbook". inspiring people with the party's great achievements, educating people with the party's fine traditions, enlightening people with the party's successful experience and warning people with the party's historical lessons can enable us to recognize the historical orientation and learn the wisdom and strength of moving forward. the party branch of hualan npm brought a small chorus "my people, my country" to express patriotic feelings and good wishes to the motherland.

punching in red site

the party members in hualan npm wore the uniform dress and the party emblems, punched in the site of the first party congress in jiangyin county, and visited the renovated & expanded memorial hall that lasted half a year. under the introduction of the commentator, the party members deeply studied the political situation and circumstances before the congress, the revolutionary development at and after the victory convening as well as the construction of a beautiful new jiangyin. subsequently, the party members came to huangshan fort military fastness in jiangyin to carry out themed party day activities.

taking group photo with the party flag

a flag reflects the original aspiration. i take a photo with the party flag. the party members record their wishes for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with camera lens, so that the party flag can be embedded into their hearts and the party emblem can shine more under the party flag.

red birthday party

"july 1" is the party's birthday. in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china, the party branch of hualan npm had a profound "political birthday" for party members, constantly reminding itself to enhance party spirit cultivation, strictly enforce organizational discipline & play an exemplary role and carefully prepared a birthday cake to celebrate the party's centennial birthday with all party members.

reviewing the oath of joining the party

facing the bright red flag of the communist party of china, following peng weiguo, the party branch secretary, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, recalled their original intention of joining the party and firmly adhered to their faith.

party members said one after another,

in the future, we will unswervingly follow the party forever,fulfill the oath of joining the party with practical actions,and always maintain the political nature of communists.

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