hualan npm held the commendation meeting for fighting against covid-ag九游会登录j9入口


hualan npm held the commendation meeting for fighting against covid-19 in 2021

release date:2021-08-27

on the morning of july 9, jiangsu hualan new pharmaceutical material co., ltd. held the commendation meeting for fighting against covid-19 in 2021.

with surprise attack by covid-19 last year, in the face of epidemic, under the wise leadership of the party central committee and governments at all levels, the people of all ethnic groups were united to fight the epidemic. as the main supporting manufacturer of rubber stoppers for 2019-ncov vaccine, together with 2019-ncov vaccine manufacturers such as sinovac, sinopharm beijing institute, sinopharm wuhan institute, cansinobio, anhui zhi fei biological and shenzhen biokangtai, we not only escort the 1.4-billion people in china, but also carry out the noble mission of practicing "a community of shared future for mankind" advocated by president xi!

in the meeting, the struggle course of hualan in recent 30 years was first reviewed. it had witnessed the company had developed from nothing to existence, from existence to excellence, from excellence to strength, and the spirit of hard work and courage of the chinese people.

general manager hua yimin made an opening speech for the meeting and expressed heartfelt thanks and sincere respect to all employees for their contributions to the completion of 2019-ncov vaccine orders.

general manager hua yimin firmly believed that in the coming days, as long as the chinese people always remembered their original aspiration and forged ahead, they will be able to gather strength, ensure quality, fight the epidemic, and contribute to winning the hard battle against "epidemic".

in order to thank everyone for their hard work, the company decided to give all employees a bonus of one million yuan as a reward, and the outstanding employee representatives in 2020 came to the stage to receive the award.

in order to ensure the timely delivery of orders and build a human immune wall, all chinese people have been fighting day and night in the first half of this year. in particular, the brothers and sisters struggling in the front line only rested for three days during the spring festival and gave up the opportunity to reunite with their families during the spring festival in 2021. liu lunyu, a new employee who has just been employed for three months, has worked 950 hours in 2021. it is with the joint efforts of new and old employees that they can complete the tasks in time with quality and quantity.

at the meeting, cao chundi, manager of production department, and liu lunyu, a new employee, spoke on the stage. they expressed their gratitude to the company and their vision for a better future.

chairman, hua guoping delivered a concluding speech for the conference. he said that hualan had encountered countless hardships and thorns along the way, and the chinese people always faced them calmly and worked hard. this year marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. we wanted to thank such a beautiful era and continued our efforts to create a new chapter in hualan.

to jointly contribute to the bright future of hualan npm, general manager hua yimin led all employees to take a solemn and serious oath.

finally, in this brilliant sunshine, all employees sang "no the communist party, no the new china". this year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china. the centennial journey is magnificent and the aspiration at the beginning of the centennial year is enduring. hualan people thank the party and the state for giving us such a beautiful era, and thank jiangyin for giving us the opportunity to struggle with all our strength.

achievements have become a thing of the past, hard work has created brilliance, looking back on the past, we are surging and proud; overlooking the long journey ahead, we feel excited with ambition in our chest. tomorrow's hualan will make continuous efforts with more high spirits and more heroic ambitions!

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