spirit is seen in holding responsibility & struggle, just like all boats compete for the best & take the lead-ag九游会登录j9入口


spirit is seen in holding responsibility & struggle, just like all boats compete for the best & take the lead

release date:2022-05-19

production vanguard: fight against coronavirus epidemic, ensure production and overcome difficulties

emergency vanguard: deliver goods ahead of time and solve problems quickly through "working overtime at night"  

logistics support vanguard: front-line demand is an instruction

    on may 4, 2022, the long-subsided coronavirus epidemic returned, which broke the originally smooth and orderly rhythm of jiangyin, a small city. facing such a severe test, the company quickly entered a wartime state. the epidemic prevention & control emergency team immediately formulated emergency plans & measures, which win the opportunity of closed-loop management for the company to ensure safe production and on-time supply.

fight against coronavirus epidemic, ensure production and overcome difficulties

    "according to jiangyin epidemic prevention and control notice no. 27, the company will implement closed management to the factory area from now on, and all departments are required to immediately organize and arrange employees to live in the factory to fight against the epidemic and ensure production!" . epidemic situation is mobilization and prevention & control is command! in just a few hours, from the order to the return of staff to their posts, from managers to grass-roots employees, among the nearly 300 staff, some just got home and didn't have a meal, some were still on their way home, and some hadn't left the company. they didn't have time to think about it, didn't have time to prepare their luggage, and even didn't say goodbye to their families; all of them hurried to the company and arrived at their posts within the specified time.just like those who do not seek easy things will succeed, and those who do not dodge difficulties will make progress. they are "devotees" who give up their small home for everyone and silently stick to their posts in hualan npm!

deliver goods ahead of time and solve problems quickly through "working overtime at night"

    although the road is far, as long as you walk, it will reach; although things are difficult, as long as you do, it will be completed. on may 5, under the heavy pressure of the epidemic, the logistics and transportation pass policy was tightened. in order to ensure the smooth delivery of goods, we delivered goods ahead of time at that very night and ran against time! warehouse staff, loaders and colleagues in information department bravely took up the heavy task of loading and worked overtime until the next early morning.with their own actual deeds, they showed the passion & fighting spirit of "actively coping with & ensuring smooth delivery", and fully interpreted the hualan spirit of "working hard together to meet difficulties", just like the chinese old saying: facing the seas in turmoil, heroes will show their true character; when the wind is high the waves are fierce, pillar rocks in midstream are more visible.

    as a chinese old poem said: the soldiers guarding the border have experienced hundreds of battles with their armor worn out, but their ambitions will not die out. they  swear not to return to their hometown until they defeat the invading enemy. in this crucial battle of racing against time, with the sense of urgency that time waits for no man and the sense of mission of giving up their own, they devote themselves to the work of production and delivery, work with one heart in understanding, the same direction in goal and the same frequency in action, go all out, cut waves and set sail!  

the front-line demand is an instruction

    during the period of block & control, the logistics support personnel are also assiduous. they are rapid actors, loyal executors and model practitioners!as soon as administrative & personnel staff receive the information of block and control management, they will urgently formulate plans & measures, prepare notices, arrange dormitories, make statistics of the block & control production list, update the latest situation of the epidemic in real time every day, and conduct 24-hour standby for notifying the regional nucleic acid test. canteen staff and cleaners also voluntarily live in the factory to serve the front-line production personnel.employees who can't work at the site all work at home on time, or even work overtime late,to accumulate energy & increase momentum for hualan npm and ensure the smooth progress of all work.

accumulating energy and increasing momentum to hope for the dawn together

our head of the family, board chairman hua yimin, would like to say to all hualan people:   

    the implementation of silent management in jiangyin is the most critical period to test our willpower, combat effectiveness and cohesive force.actions speak louder than words! as long as we work hard together to meet the difficulties, we will be able to eliminate all difficulties & obstacles on the way forward and fully complete the annual work goals!in 2022, let's witness the committed years of fighting and shining iron blood spirit with history, and we will eventually become the cultural soils and preachers for the xcellent young partners group after group of the company in the future!

hualan, come on! jiangyin, come on! china, come on!

only after experiencing difficulties & hardships, will one show his brave & resolute character; only through honing, can a jade stone be carved into a jadeware

the haze caused by the coronavirus epidemic will eventually dissipate.

let's share weal and woe, make concerted efforts,

forge ahead and overcome current difficulties together!

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