good news! national level! sanhai lanling is on the list!-ag九游会登录j9入口


good news! national level! sanhai lanling is on the list!

release date:2022-09-21

warmly celebrate that

sanhai lanling was selected

as national specialized and sophisticated "little giant" enterprise

in june 2022, ministry of industry and information technology carried out the cultivation of the fourth batch of specialized and sophisticated "little giant" enterprises and the review of the first batch of specialized and sophisticated "little giant" enterprises. the relevant audit has been completed and the list of 4,357 enterprises has been publicized. chongqing fuling sanhai lanling co., ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of hualan npm was successfully selected and included in the list.


independent innovation is the core competitiveness of the company

sanhai lanling continued to enhance its awareness of innovation & development, increase investment in r & d, improve its technological innovation ability, give play to its own technological advantages, and continue to follow the path of professional, refined and characteristic innovation development. in 2022, 5 invention patents and 3 utility models are newly added. r&d expenditure comes to rmb 6.31 million yuan, accounting for 5.22% of operating income.


promoting transformation & upgrading of digital informatization

in order to promote the transformation and upgrading of digitalization & informatization, and realize the application of new generation information & communication technologies such as the internet of things and industrial interconnection of intelligent equipment, sanhai lanling started the construction and promotion of informatization projects in june 2021. in july 2022, sanhai lanling successfully passed the assessment of integration management system of informatization and industrialization of industrial enterprises with 2.0 standard and obtained aa level certificate.

sanhai lanling will live up to expectations,

the company will take this as a new starting point,

remain true to its original aspiration and strive hard,

continue to refine, specialize and strengthen the pharmaceutical packaging industry!

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