my heart is like an orchid • cultivating people for the party • fostering talents for the country | the 5th hualan teachers’ development fund award ceremony-ag九游会登录j9入口


my heart is like an orchid • cultivating people for the party • fostering talents for the country | the 5th hualan teachers’ development fund award ceremony

release date:2022-09-21

the 38th teacher's day & hualan teachers’ development fund award ceremony

september 10 of this year is the 38th teachers' day in china, and it is also the eighth year for hualan npm to donate funds for awarding teaching and helping learning.

at 3 p.m. on september 8, jiangyin no. 1 middle school grandly held the 38th teachers' day and hualan teachers' development fund award ceremony. mr. hua guoping, the founder, mr. hua zhimin, vice general manager, mr. xu lizhong, vice general manager of finance of hualan npm, ms. zou fengxiang, deputy director of jiangyin municipal education bureau, mr. li zhong, secretary of the party committee & principal of jiangyin no. 1 middle school, as well as other leaders of principal's office attended the ceremony.all teachers and staff of jiangyin no. 1 middle school jointly participated in the ceremony.

shu hongwei, vice principal delivered a speech for the ceremony. he expressed his sincere respect for mr. hua guoping's sincere heart to education, his concern for jiangyin's development, and his sincere heart to the nation & country, and meanwhile, he hoped that all faculty and staff of no.1 middle school could continue to carry forward the fine tradition of no.1 middle school, uphold the faith of cultivating people by virtue & cultivating talents for the country, and bravely shoulder the heavy burden of education.

shu hongwei

vice principal

he weizhong, deputy party secretary led newly recruited teachers and all teachers to take an oath:loyal to the party's educational cause, abide by educational laws & regulations, fulfill the responsibility of teaching & educating people, lead the students to grow, and contribute to the development of jiangyin education.

issuing hualan's awarding education fund commendation

xu lizhong, vice general manager of hualan finance, and sun rong, deputy principal, issued certificates to the teachers' representatives who won the "excellent discipline quality award"

xu lizhong, vice general manager and zhang ruijuan, director of hualan finance, issued certificates to the teacher representatives who won the "excellent class collective award".

hua zhimin, vice general manager of hualan, and hua haizhong, deputy principal, issued certificates to the teacher representatives who won the "project activity achievement award".

hua zhimin, vice general manager of hualan, and he weizhong, deputy party secretary, issued certificates to the teachers' representatives who won the "advanced award for education & scientific research".

mr. hua guoping, the founder, and shu hongwei, deputy principal jointly issued certificates to the old teachers who won  "meritorious award for thirty years of teaching".

mr. hua guoping, the founder and hua haizhon, deputy principal jointly issued certificates to the old teachers who won  "principal special award".

preach with words and set an example with deeds

as a teacher representative, yan lijuan, a teacher of senior 1, expressed her gratitude to mr. hua guoping for his long-term care and support for jiangyin no. 1 middle school. at the same time, she reviewed work in the past years, summarized experience in the review, looked into the future in the summary, and expressed her expectation for the future of no. 1 middle school.

yan lijuan, the teacher representative, gave a speech

mr. hua guoping, the founder of hualan, made a deep bow before his speech to express his respect and gratitude to front-line teachers. the founder first congratulated no. 1 middle school on its brilliant achievements in this year's college entrance examination, and meanwhile, in his speech, revealed his affirmation of the teaching quality that jiangyin no. 1 middle school has continuously improved in recent years, the constantly enriched teaching connotation, and the increasingly diversified teaching methods and roads. later, he reviewed the development process and innovation road of hualan, expressing the expectation of jiangyin no. 1 middle school to cultivate more outstanding talents and the bright prospect of the development of education in hometown. finally, the founder said that he hoped that teachers would adhere to the principle of student oriented, preaching with words, setting an example with deeds, take teaching & educating students and devoting to learning as a belief, and contribute to the development of jiangyin's education.

mr. hua guoping, founder of hualan

on behalf of jiangyin no. 1 middle school, principal li zhong issued donation certificate to hualan npm and the medal of "special award for donating money for school" to mr. hua guoping.

zou fengxiang, deputy director of jiangyin municipal education bureau, delivered a speech. as an excellent educator going out of no. 1 middle school, zou bureau described the deep feelings between herself and no. 1 middle school. and meanwhile, she expressed respect for hualan's spirit of caring education and thinking about no. 1 middle school. it is the teachers of no. 1 middle school who have firm ideals & beliefs and adhere to the educational concept of morality and cultivating people that can develop no. 1 middle school better and better. direcort zou hoped that the teachers of no. 1 middle school can continue to forge ahead with faith!

zou fengxiang, deputy director of jiangyin municipal education bureau

hualan npm has always been actively devoted to education. qinghai sunshine welfare school and love class of zhiduo county colorful primary school... we have always supported the development of education with practical actions. through this award ceremony of teachers' development fund, it is hoped that the new generation of young teachers can keep up with their predecessors:

cultivate "real skills" on the way of struggle,

to become a competent "dream builder";

set up the fighting posture with youth,

to be a dream chaser;

shoulder the responsibility of youth for building the powerful country ,

to be a "dream fulfiller" for a hundred years of rejuvenation!

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