summer tourism activity of hualan employees from chongqing fuling sanhai company officially start-ag九游会登录j9入口


summer tourism activity of hualan employees from chongqing fuling sanhai company officially start

release date:2011-08-09

                   summer tourism activity of hualan employees from chongqing fuling sanhai company officially start

         all hualan people work hard and do their best since phase ii project of chongqing fuling company was launched into production and run at full capacity last year. to reflect corporate concept of humanistic management, have everybody understand and enjoy miracle of nature and human, relax themselves, relieve work-related stress and motivate staff's enthusiasm, hualan company organized staff to travel famous scenic spots for three days in wuxi, suzhou and shanghai. on august 3, the first batch of employees set out from fuling company.


the first stop -- wuxi
arrive at wuxi as schedule on the first day. for front-line employees in chongqing from such a long distance, it is impressive and significant. after they experienced peach and harmony of wuxi lingshan buddha and visited human landscape of china's first village -- huaxi village, they directly took a bus to hualan's headquarters in jiangyin. they are also hualan people, but this is the first time for many employees of fuling company to arrive in jiangyin.

to enhance communication and interaction between employees in jiangyin and employees in chongqing ,while express company's thanks to all staff for their concern and support, after activities on the first day, general manager of hualan corporation, mr. hua yimin arranged a welcome banquet in dining room of headquarters. on this banquet, voyage weariness disappeared, atmosphere was lovely, everyone was full of beans and raised their glasses to wish hualan's better future.


                                                     wuxi lingshan buddha


 the second stop -- suzhou
after a night's rest, staff went on their trip on the second day. they set out from jiangyin and arrived at famous scenic spot in suzhou in one and a half hours, one of four gardens in china -- garden of humble administrator. garden of humble administrator, a showplace type historic luxury garden, won the honor of "the model of gardens all over the world" with mountain, island, bamboo dock, pine hill and winding stream. wide pool, flourish tree, uneven chinese parasol, winding stream and natural scenery deeply attract hualan people. everyone frequently take photos by their mobiles and cameras to make permanent memories.

       after lunch, all staff talked and laughed all the way and arrived at water village -- zhouzhuang soon. the ancient town -- zhouzhuang, located in kunshan, suzhou, is also called the first water village in china. streets are built along rivers, bridges are connected with the streets, there are a compound of connecting courtyards, multiple ridges and high eaves, arcades, stone fence and building stood overlooking the water, everything seems simple, elegant and quiet and it is typical small bridges, flowing water and old-style houses in the regions south of the yangtze river.


a step one king in garden of humble administrator made hualan people e


                                         charming water village -- zhouzhuang


the third stop -- shanghai

        shanghai, an international metropolis shining the world, creates and break through multiple world's greatest and china's greatest of china's world record association and possesses significant cultural deposits of modern city and many historical sites. 2010 world expo was held in shanghai. after visiting historical sites in the water village, hualan people enjoyed smells of modern city and uncommonness of human beings at shanghai world financial center, huangpu river and the bund.


                                                shanghai world financial center

       during the trip, scorching sun didn't weaken staff's interests for continuous tour. unity, mutual help, care, concern of hualan people expressed warmth of the big family.

three days' travel was finished soon. on the afternoon of august 7, all staff returned to chongqing. at that moment, they still felt exert as there were so many beautiful scenes and memories, that most probably didn't have flavor one time to be in mind

       our company well planned this activity. since 1998, hualan has held tourism activity once a year at least, but this was the first time to hold large-scaled, long-distance and long-period tourism activity. this activity didn't entertain hualan people, enhanced all staff's sense of belonging and open their minds.
