“showing love and transmitting warm feelings” – donation campaign of hualan’s employees-ag九游会登录j9入口


“showing love and transmitting warm feelings” – donation campaign of hualan’s employees

release date:2018-12-15

on dec. 14th, 2018, jiangsu hualan new pharmaceutical material co., ltd. conducted a donation campaign for jia qian’s husband who suffered from cancer. all the employees actively responded to the call of the company’s administrative personnel department and extended a helping hand to jia qian in need.

while the illness was cruel, hualan showed its love. recently, zhang jian, jia qian’s husband, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. though he was hospitalized in time, the expenses during the treatment and the subsequent expenses were really a heavy burden for a common family. saving life brooked no delay. when disaster struck, help came from everywhere. as a member of hualan encountered difficulties, we must make joint efforts to solve them.

when the company’s managing director and general manager knew about it, they immediately notified the administrative personnel department to organize all hualan employees to make donation to jia qian’s husband.

the company leaders set a good example and the employees of each department were liberal of their money. only within one noon, they raised 12850 yuan in total. the donations were handed over to zhang jian’s mother immediately, in the hope that they could help zhang jian to tide over difficulties. we believe that the warm current converged from tiny benevolence will transmit the heat of life and let this family see the dawn of hope.

when the patient’s family members received the donations, they were moved to tears and expressed their gratitude to the employees for their encouragement and support to zhang jian. jia qian also thanked hualan’s employees on behalf of her husband and extended her blessings······

hualan is an enterprise with social responsibility. in the face of difficulties, the employees showed true love and genuine concern and helped each other brave together all kinds of big troubles. this donation campaign embodied their spirit of unity and mutual aid and profound friendship and further carried forward the chinese nation’s fine tradition of “selflessness, donation and universal love”.
