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winning the future through innovation and building the dream of hualan together----outward bound of hualan npm in 2020 ended successfully

发布日期:2020-11-10    点击量:724

in order to promote communication, exchange and cooperation among employees, temper their will, stimulate their potential, and strengthen the cohesion, centripetal force and executive force of the team, hualan npm specially organized a team building activity with the theme of "winning the future through innovation and building the dream of hualan together" for two days. each participant was enthusiastic and gave full play to the team spirit so as to draw a successful end to the activity.

in the activity, four groups are formed for competition. on site, such game interaction links were set as "sitting down & squatting up" and "dragons carrying water", etc. the key to success is to get rid of the old and bring forth the new and emancipate the mind; everyone should make strategies according to the rules of the game and try his or her best to help the group win. 

sitting down & squatting up

sitting back to back, with the hips on the ground, then arm in arm, standing up together.  

dragons carrying water

with the help of partners, the group members fetch drinking water from the place about 1.8 meters away from the end line.

general manager, mr. hua yimin concluded in the end that this outward project fully reflected the importance of team coordination and mutual cooperation, and hopes that hualan people can trust & help each other and unite as one.

big cooking stove

preparing the big cooking stove according to grouping to cook a table of delicious food in persons

ancient roads of sui and tang dynasties

hiking along ruoling ancient road to experience the customs & charming of sui and tang dynasties  

called huizhou-ningguo accident official road in the history 1400 years ago, it is the best protected and longest huizhou ancient road with historical features and also one of the top ten ancient hiking roads in china.

hiking 14 km

hualan people have said: this team building activity has enhanced the team cohesion of the company, everyone is passionate and will strive for a better tomorrow of hualan, with higher spirited struggling posture and solidarity!

happy time is always short,

the nice moment lets each other feel more cherished;

unity, cooperation and trust

will become the precious wealth of hualan people
