china quality long march news journalists visit hualan-ag九游会登录j9入口


china quality long march news journalists visit hualan

发布日期:2010-06-02    点击量:944

china quality long march news journalists visit hualan

    china quality long march news journalist team visit hualan on may 30 to investigate and survey product quality. our president mr. hua guoping and vice general manager mr. gong xiaoqing met them in person. totally over 40 persons were following in attendance including leaders from national & provincial-level news units and calligrapher from art circles.

    the journalist team visited our sample exhibition hall, culture exhibition hall, production area and factory appearance. president hua gives them a brief introduction of our current production status.

    on the subsequent symposium, president hua expressed sincere gratitude to leaders of the journalist team for taking hualan as their initial station and introduced the existing problems for both enterprises and the industry. besides, president hua expressed hualan would permanently put social responsibilities first, claiming responsibility for the industry as well as claiming responsibility for users.

    directer chen xingkun of china quality long march news journalist team expressed his thanks for hualan's hospitality and congratulated us on our achievements of corporate culture, employee training and technical innovation.

    finally, some accompanying famous calligraphers wielded their writing brushes at improvisation to express their best wishes for hualan.



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