viewing the transformation of the three year, thanks for customers -ag九游会登录j9入口


viewing the transformation of the three year, thanks for customers

发布日期:2013-11-12    点击量:1044

hualan held 2013 customers thanks meeting

  on november 9-11, 2013, the “the 71th api exhibition pre-convention and hulan customer thanks meeting 2013” leaded by the company sales department observed the grand opening in changzhou metropark grand hotel. with the theme of “viewing the transformation of the three years, knowing new look of hualan and thanking customers”, this activity expressed thanks to the main cooperative customers who have trusted and supported hualan all the time. this activity invited nearly 300 people of over 130 key customer companies all over the world.
  in the afternoon of november 10, the “injection type inner packing material safety and effectiveness technology quality forum” exquisitely prepared by hualan was opened. the forum specially invited director mr. cai rong of shanghai food and drug packaging material control center and quality manager mr. cao yang of pfizer pharmaceuticals limited to give speeches. during the forum, two teachers made their speeches around “safety and effectiveness risk assessment and control of injection and inner packing materials and next new policies of the country on the control of injection inner packaging materials” and “how to manage the medicine production site and medicine quality better and to a higher standard with inner packing material (rubber stopper)”. after hearing intently the speeches of the two teachers, experts and representatives of each pharmaceutical factory asked questions from and exchanged with the professional teachers in respect of all kinds of professional problems met during declaration and products test. the atmosphere was fantastic as representatives were eager to speak. the forum had to put off for over one hour.
  in the morning of november 11, all factory colleagues visited the production site of hualan npm jiangyin factory and investigated on-the-spot each workshop section high-end rubber stopper quality control production line optimized, innovated and upgraded in the industry, perceiving from zero distance the achievements created through innovation and pursuit of excellence during three years by hualan.
  the company arranged a variety of artistic performance in that evening dinner party.  the opening remarks of the host left a deep impression (see attachment) to guests.  in addition to profession artistic performance, the managers and employees from hulan npm jiangyin factory and chongqing factory also played the elaborately prepared my thankful heart, i believe, free talk and the micro film public praise and brand, fully demonstrating the appreciation, unity, cooperation and innovation spirituality of hualan team. besides, the party also carried on colorful interactive programs like questions and answers and lucky draw, especially the song repays the country with supreme loyalty sung by pfizer pharmaceuticals, wining the most praise from all guests present.
  at 9 o’clock, the party brought down the curtain in the song of unforgettable tonight.
