bravely scale new heights and make great achievement together—the tour of mount wuyi by hualan npm employees in 2017-ag九游会登录j9入口


bravely scale new heights and make great achievement together—the tour of mount wuyi by hualan npm employees in 2017

发布日期:2017-08-21    点击量:940


after the hong kong and macao tour, as flu is spreading in hong kong and macao, for the sake of the company employees’ healthy, the company changed the tour plan of the second batch tour to a five-day mount wuyi tour.

at the afternoon on august 14, hualan employees started the five-day mount wuyi tour. through this tour, they not only saw the beautiful scenery of mount wuyi’s “blue water and red mount” and “unique beauty is the finest in the southeast”, but also enjoyed the joy and relax brought by the natural scenery and felt the company’s warmth and caring.
during tour, they travelled collaboratively and help each other. in the activity, everyone expressed: “thanks to the company for their elaborate organization of this tourist activity, which releases them from busy work and truly realized combination of work and rest. one the one hand, it is in favor of employees’ healthy and interest cultivation; on the other side, it may fully mobilize employees’ enthusiasm and enable them to create glory for the company with full spiritual outlook.

with unceasing development and expansion, massive and compact enterprise culture and gradually normative and sophisticated management mode, the company’s humanist management is fully embodied; this tour takes the starting point of enhancing the cohesive force and friendship of the whole company team to allow everyone to cultivate their taste, fly their thoughts, temper will and appreciate the country’s magnificent mountains and rivers, hoping construct a platform for each employee’s career and let everyone to show their charm to the fullest. this tour not only released employees’ daily work pressure and nervous mood, but also cultivated their taste, improved their accomplishment and thus enhanced the team cohesiveness and fully showed our company’s spirit. so everyone can devote into their future work with more enthusiasm.

