hualan company limited received a letter of thanks after it made charity contributions to qinghai welfare primary school-ag九游会登录j9入口


hualan company limited received a letter of thanks after it made charity contributions to qinghai welfare primary school

发布日期:2019-02-13    点击量:1330

hualan company limited received a letter of thanks after it made charity contributions to qinghai welfare primary school

on december, 2018, after knowing that sunshine welfare school in nangqian county, qinghai province had bad conditions and many students had chilblains on both hands and feet, our company specially sent love shoes for all students in the school to help them have a warm winter. today, our company received a letter of thanks full of deep feeling from the school. the school extended their sincere thanks to our company. in the future, our company will continue to take social welfare as its own duty, will undertake more social responsibilities and help more people in need.


dear jiangsu hualan pharmaceutical new material co. ltd,
     tashi delek.
      we have received the shoes donated by your company to our school. there are 291 students in our school and they are orphans or have single parents or come from poor families in 9 villages and one town of our county. this group of children who lost family care and love are in lovely and helpless in our mind. our government departments vigorously improved hardware and software facilities of our school every year so that the study and living environment of children can be constantly improved each year. it is a happy thing for these unfortunate children to meet you because they feel love. your selfless help make them feel not cold any more in this cold winter you make these helpless hands touch the warm harbor. 
      on behalf of all teachers and students, i would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you! thank you for your coming in the children's growth road. we will teach children to be grateful to your help, to learn to cherish, to study hard and be positive so that they can make contributions to our society with excellent results.
      wish you good health and success in your work, tashi delek.
      nangqian county sunshine welfare school   january 8, 2019