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chongqing fuling sanhailanling co., ltd. kick-off meeting of industrialization and informatization integration management system implementing standard

发布日期:2019-09-29    点击量:1040

on september 29, 2019, the kick-off meeting of industrialization and informatization integration management system implementing standard of chongqing fuling sanhailanling co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “sanhailanling”) was grandly held in the meeting room of sanhailanling company. director chen xuequan of commission of economy and information technology, the industrialization and informatization integration and implementing standard team members composed of sanhailanling medium and high-level cadres and department business backbones and nearly 15 members of the implementing standard consultation service team of chongqing huiguan technology co., ltd. presented this meeting.

figure one  kick-off meeting venue
vice-general manager zhang xiaoqiong made an important speech at the meeting. general zhang emphasized that sanhailanling would comprehensively import the strategic decision of the industrialization and informatization integration management system to the company, aimed at innovative product development, product realization, sales and service, technological upgrading, achieving company product innovation optimization and operating management informatization. he put forward three requirements on this implementing standard work: firstly, to further unite the thought, build consensus and improve cognition on industrialization and informatization integration; secondly, to intensify training and learning and constantly improve team learning ability; thirdly, to strengthen organizational leadership and all staff coordinate and cooperate. vice-general manager zhang xiaoqiong announced that: the industrialization and informatization integration implementing standard work is officially launching. 
figure two, vice-general manager zhang xiaoqiong made an important speech
sanhailanling attached great importance to this industrialization and informatization integration management system implementing standard work and specially formed an organization for this industrialization and informatization integration management system implementing standard, clearly definited the responsibilities of leading group, group leader/top management, vice director of a group/management representative and implementing standard responsible department and departments involved and published sanhailanling [2019] no. 07 company file decision on establishing the organization for industrialization and informatization integration management system implementing standard. on the kick-off meeting, the administrative director hua limin made the announcement. 
figure three  administrative director hua limin announced organization formation order
general manager luo dahai of guanhui technology made a keynote speech on “industrialization and informatization integration and enterprise transformation and upgrading” on behalf of implementing standard service organization, giving a masterly speech on the background of industrialization and information integration, industrial 4.0 and made in china 2025 national strategy and industrialization and information integration leading enterprise transformation and upgrading and trained basic knowledge on industrialization and information integration and implementing standard. manager you hong of guanhui technology program made a brief explanation on the implementing standard procedure, main plan and implementing procedure management, etc. content of implementation plan of industrialization and information integration and implementing standard work. 

figure four  general manager luo dahai of guanhui technology made s keynote speech
director chen xuequan of foling district commission of economy and information technology made a summary speech. he, on behalf of fuling district commission of economy and information technology, extended warm congratulations to the holding of kick-off meeting and explained importance of industrialization and informatization integration and implementing standard work and support measures of fuling district commission of economy and information technology on the industrialization and informatization integration and implementing standard work. at last, he hoped to promote sanhailanling product innovation optimization, operating management informatization and achieve efficient enterprise operation through this implementing standard work. 

figure five  director chen xuequan of district commission of economy and information technology made a speech
management representative vice-general manager zhang led sanhailanling participants to take an oath on launch of industrialization and informatization integration and implementing standard work. at last, all participants took a group photo to mark the occasion. this kick-off meeting was brought to a successful close as scheduled. 

figure six   group photo of kick-off meeting participants
