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forgeing ahead for three decades, striving forward to the future

发布日期:2022-06-08    点击量:252

it is the place where our dreams begin

the 30th anniversary of hualan npm

the story begins here...

in 1992

in fact, before 2009, i had another identity. at that time, my name was【jiangyin lanling stopper co., ltd.】

in 1998

as a young man, i actively responded to the call of the state, supported the development of the west, invested and settled in sanhai lanling, fuling, chongqing city.

in 2002

after 4 years of persistence and training, i successfully got it!

and meanwhile, i also bought myself a new "coat armor".

in 2003


this is my new appearance~

in 2005

step by step, careful as before, i still can't forget the shining moment on the stage of the rubber stopper industry.

in 2008

just as we will be able to ride the wind & waves to sail across the sea, i have always adhered to the development strategy of taking the market as the leader and science & technology as the driver. with the ballast of scientific and technological innovation, the navigation will be stable

in 2009

for four years in the same storm-tossed boat and in the most beautiful season of my life, i ushered in a new identity! in 2009, i was officially renamed as【jiangsu hualan new pharmaceutical material co., ltd.】

in 2010

later, my life was not plain sailing, but also experienced hardships. but i firmly believe that: phoenix nirvana, will be reborn.

in 2011

gradually, more and more people got to know me, and i silently buried such an idea in my heart: to be "the world's leading intelligent manufacturer of sealed elastomers for pharmaceutical use"

in 2012

as long as we are united as one, we can shake the mountains, and with concerted efforts, we will overcome difficulties. i put the rebuilt new workshop into use in the shortest possible time.

in 2012

in the face of complex market environment & uncertainty, with management oriented and winning through operation, i was entitled as "enterprise technology center of jiangsu province" and meanwhile took the lead in organizing the drafting of china's gmp standard for pharmaceutical rubber stopper.

in 2015

i have always felt that "only those who are tough can fulfill their aspirations, and only climbers can conquer dangerous peaks". in 2015, there was a breakthrough in the market, just like every grain to the granary, the sales of film-coated rubber stoppers exceeded 3 billion pieces!

in 2018

a single spark can start a prairie fire. since 2018, i have never been absent from aiding students in love class of qinghai colorful primary school and clothing donation of sunshine welfare school. i hope to help more children in mountainous areas through my own strength. delivering charity has only a starting point, but love has no end.

in 2019

warmth is passing on, and the hope of life is continuing. since 2019, i have been carrying out blood donation activities every year. every drop of blood is a condensation of love. i hope to call on everyone to care for life with practical actions!

in 2020

when the situation requires, we must take actions. facing the smokeless “campaign” of fighting against covid-19. i have provided the first batch of rubber stoppers for clinical prevention of novel coronavirus vaccine in china, and provided about 2.4 billion rubber stoppers for novel coronavirus vaccine r & d and production pharmaceutical enterprises such as beijing kexing biology, beijing institute of biological products, cansinobio and zhifeilong kema biology, etc., to jointly combat the global epidemics and contribute to china's strength.

in 2021

if we start again with the same heart, we swear not to return  until we succeed.following the restart of ipo in 2017 years, i have kept my feet on the ground and fulfilled my commitments with actions.

in 2021, i successfully ushered in the listing. i have a new stock code: 301093

in 2021

after listing, i was approved to set up a post doctoral innovation practice base in jiangsu province. i will take this opportunity to further broaden talent training channels and deepen industry university and research cooperation.

in 2022

suddenly turning my back, at the age of 30, i became mature and standardized. this year, i moved towards a smart factory and officially launched the top-level planning project of huawei·hualan lighthouse factory.

in the future

i will compare the benchmark of the world-class enterprises

and follow the reform steps of the national smart factory

please believe me

with intelligent manufacturing, independent laboratory

pharmaceutical packaging incubation park, international layout

already on the way

the future is worth looking forward to

in the struggle marathon of life

i never stop running

in the 30 years, it is warm and firm

a low light makes a torch and i walk towards the light

in the 30 years, it is profound and complex

sharpening fusion is easier said than done

for 30 years, in different circumstances, i have unchanged original intention

solved unsolvable problems and answered unanswerable questions

i continue to explore a new path in the pharmaceutical packaging material industry

because i know

when i am chasing the light, i will sail with the light

hualan, where dreams begin

it's said that we stand in our prime at thirty

i'm very happy that you came here only for me on this day

today is my treat, please be happy

may we continue to meet in every warm day
