aiding students, building dream & casting talents|hualan is in action-ag九游会登录j9入口


aiding students, building dream & casting talents|hualan is in action

发布日期:2022-05-25    点击量:345

focusing on education with heart and sowing hope with love

    sharing with the same green mountain, let's bear the wind and rain together;there is no better gift for parting in south of the yangtze river, only send a plum blossom to herald spring.

    qinghai is the source of the yangtze river and jiangyin is in the downstream. we are drinking the same river water and of the same family. we think of the source after drinking water. hualan has started to set up a love class for duocai primary school in zhiduo county, yushu city, qinghai province since 2018 and made regular donations. there are 25 students in the love class, with 1,200 yuan per student each time. the road of charity is not in one day, but insist on parallelling with the original intention, which has a heavy task and a long way to go.

    cultivating students to be talents is the ultimate goal of the subsidy. the subsidy is not only to give poverty children the opportunity to learn, but also to give children rich pursuit and inexhaustible strength, so that every child has the opportunity to shine!

let love tramp over mountains

hualan hopes to help more children in mountainous areas

through its own strength

i know we are small

and can do very little

we can't change the world

but a single spark can start a prairie fire

this is a stop of hualan public welfare donation

delivering charity has only a starting point, and love has no end


    looking at the children's simple & clear eyes and shy & innocent smiling faces, we not only want to inject hope into the children's continued study and future development, but also hope that they can learn & grow healthily and happily like other students.

    let all children under the same blue sky have a happy childhood & a better tomorrow, and let love illuminate every corner of the world in interaction!

    the bright eyes of the children show their desire for knowledge. their difficulty in acquiring knowledge makes us deeply feel the difficulty of life for children in mountainous areas and the importance of student aids. hualan will be more firmly on the road of charity in the future, and continue to practice the concept & determination of public welfare education.

     in the future, hualan will continue to expand the scope of assistance, hold a clear sky for poverty students, and jointly create a good social atmosphere of poverty alleviation and helping others.
